"Crappy Hour"

"Crappy Hour" A new podcast made by Sam and Jonny in Swansea, UK. Errors will be made, listeners will be blamed.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

"Crappy Hour" Episode 4: Catch Up. Sucks.

Well, bet that was a surprise? We actually made the deadline, with hmm 2 weeks and a day to spare AND WE DID IT THREE TIMES OVER!

Yes, here is the "anticipated" Episode 4. Personally, I think it's the worst ever.
So, if you find it crap listen to "Crappy Mail" or Guadalarajara Cooking.

Well. Hope you enjoy.

Send some mail to crappyhour@tesco.net and vote for US on Podcast Alley, there's a link here someplace...

See You In May.


  • At 7:28 pm, Blogger Kathryn said…

    YAY! You're back!

    Airsoft = <3 I have two 6mm SMG airsofts. x3 I luff them.

    Oh wow, you're the same age as me. o.o I figured you all for being 17 or something.

    Sam, you have good taste in music and stoof. And you're not bad looking either.

    Jonny, I can't find your blog. XD

    Was there someone else on the podcast this time? I got confused.

  • At 11:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi...can u mention me. my names Ed and i'm err not su-su-sure if u av mentioned d d d me bu-but i am from duurham and i er like rusty spoons (purrs. there's a fishhh stuck in the b-back of the oven.


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