"Crappy Hour"

"Crappy Hour" A new podcast made by Sam and Jonny in Swansea, UK. Errors will be made, listeners will be blamed.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

"Crappy Hour" Episode 3.5: We Are Alive.

It's been a while... About 6months?
I am sorry. Jonny probably isn't.

So, until Episode 4... (Coming Soon) we leave you with this little snippet of the voices you have dreading to hear ever again.

Yes People.
Once Again. I think we are back.

If you do not have iTunes or any other aggreatorororawrr thing. Click the post title above to download the episode.



  • At 2:13 am, Blogger Kathryn said…

    YAY! XD

    Yes, I still have your podcast subscribed, and I still check on it when I'm bored.

    I'd like to say I'm sure I'm you're #1 fan, but I have yet to meet another Crappy Hour fan so...I can't really be sure. o.0


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