"Crappy Hour"

"Crappy Hour" A new podcast made by Sam and Jonny in Swansea, UK. Errors will be made, listeners will be blamed.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

"Crappy Hour" An Apology.

Well, we are sorry, we have indeed not broadcasted for two weeks...

Two weeks without the amazing Sam and Jonny?
Yes, this horrible thought is true...
No! Don't throw away your iPod yet, we will be back with the epsiode 3 by Friday 30th September.

The reason for this is myself and Jonny haven't found the time in our "very" busy lives.
But, being as kind as we are, we will donate some time. Hehe.

I am sorry. Jonny probably isn't.
Also, thanks to everyone (the both of you.) for your comments, we shall probably mention on the show as we have nothing better to chat about.



  • At 11:04 pm, Blogger Kathryn said…

    I love the Podcast! Very entertaining, to say the least. Make more. I command it! (not that you won't...just making more of a point to say that I like it I guess.)

    I ended up mentioning it at school today, and I didn't realize I was talking about it as if everyone knew what it was...o.o;


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