"Crappy Hour"

"Crappy Hour" A new podcast made by Sam and Jonny in Swansea, UK. Errors will be made, listeners will be blamed.

Monday, October 01, 2007

"Crappy Hour" Episode 4.5: We're Still Alive, Will

We're back! Again...
New site and episode coming soon in some timeframe or another.

For now, half-baked Episode 4.5 downloadable HERE.
Otherwise, subscribe! Use the chicklets on the right.


Saturday, April 15, 2006

"Crappy Hour" Episode 4: Catch Up. Sucks.

Well, bet that was a surprise? We actually made the deadline, with hmm 2 weeks and a day to spare AND WE DID IT THREE TIMES OVER!

Yes, here is the "anticipated" Episode 4. Personally, I think it's the worst ever.
So, if you find it crap listen to "Crappy Mail" or Guadalarajara Cooking.

Well. Hope you enjoy.

Send some mail to crappyhour@tesco.net and vote for US on Podcast Alley, there's a link here someplace...

See You In May.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Vote For Us.

We are the best. You know it. So vote for us on Podcast Alley.


Saturday, March 25, 2006

"Crappy Hour" Episode 3.5: We Are Alive.

It's been a while... About 6months?
I am sorry. Jonny probably isn't.

So, until Episode 4... (Coming Soon) we leave you with this little snippet of the voices you have dreading to hear ever again.

Yes People.
Once Again. I think we are back.

If you do not have iTunes or any other aggreatorororawrr thing. Click the post title above to download the episode.


Friday, September 30, 2005

"Crappy Hour" Episode 3: Finally.

Edit: Episode 3. Is online.
Go. Download now.

Sam. Jonny and Ed.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

"Crappy Hour" An Apology.

Well, we are sorry, we have indeed not broadcasted for two weeks...

Two weeks without the amazing Sam and Jonny?
Yes, this horrible thought is true...
No! Don't throw away your iPod yet, we will be back with the epsiode 3 by Friday 30th September.

The reason for this is myself and Jonny haven't found the time in our "very" busy lives.
But, being as kind as we are, we will donate some time. Hehe.

I am sorry. Jonny probably isn't.
Also, thanks to everyone (the both of you.) for your comments, we shall probably mention on the show as we have nothing better to chat about.


Friday, September 02, 2005

"Crappy Hour" Episode 2: Salsa

It's a milestone. Episode 2. Thats one more than one.
We are amazed how far we have got...

This Week:
Sam and Jonny return with another painful episode of "Crappy Hour". Salsa Edition. With Added Salsa. Also contains Old People and other Crap.
Due to Jonny's inability to speak anywhere near the microphone some areas will have low volume. We are sorry. But Jonny does have a new microphone ready for the next episode.
